Having recently fallen in love with one of Kim Addonizio's poetry collections, I looked to the library for another book. And so I checked out Ordinary Genius: A Guide for the Poet Within. I didn't anticipate more than sampling it, but it is chockful of good stuff. I sampled a larger percentage of it—so large that it made sense to finish the book. So I started reading through, from missed bit to missed bit. And then I promptly lost it. And with other library books screaming for attention, I didn't find it again until today, the day it is due back. So I'm returning it with some small but significant number of pages unread.
The craft book, by a poet, is a robust genre (Mary Oliver's stands out in my memory). For a group of people allegedly too good for the rest of us, I tend to find these books accessible and charming and familiar.
This is one more book to add to my would-be-good-to-have-in-a-creative-writing-classroom list.
Anyway. Now I'm going to try to cram down a few more of the remaining pages before walking over to the library. Wish me luck!