If you pay close attention to my blogroll (which I doubt), you may already know know Brinkwater from his blog of the same name. Brinkwater is an old friend of mine from his time in gradschool. He and I are online just enough and in just enough of the same places to have maintained our friendship, which is great. So many friendships blow away like dry sand.
Among other things, he and his wife each submitted work to Served. This previous working relationship is relevant because earlier this month, as I was looking at old hymns of mine for submission to a BYU-Idaho thing, I found one that didn't seem right to submit. But there really isn't a forum for ironic hymns, so I demoted it to joke and posted it to Twitter.
Where Brinkwater saw it and immediately composed music. One thing led to another and it went from demo to working recording to longer recording with instrumental portion to it can be put online as a single.
It's a good melody. I could say it's adjacent to something else but why don't you just listen to it yourself?
It's now available on Spotify/Apple/Amazon.
Feel free to perform it at your own worship services. (Click to enlarge.)
And celebrate Christmas with Brinkwater, while you're at it!